mesi Bondye pou ane 2013 la ou fem pase an byen mwen konnen ke tout pr traduction - mesi Bondye pou ane 2013 la ou fem pase an byen mwen konnen ke tout pr Anglais comment dire

mesi Bondye pou ane 2013 la ou fem

mesi Bondye pou ane 2013 la ou fem pase an byen mwen konnen ke tout projè mwen gen pou 2014 yo ap reyalize kanmenm nan non Jezi

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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
Thank God for your support over the year 2013 I was well aware that all my projects for 2014 will be achieved anyway in the name of jesus

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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
Thank you God for years the 2013 you last farm well I know that all project I have to 2014 will realize anyhow in the name of Jesus buy out
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